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Wong Way Driving Academy

Aloha Parents! Driver's Education has changed drastically from when we ourselves were student drivers. During my driving certification, I was amazed at how driving tools and techniques had progressed and improved since I learned years ago. In our day, it was drive until you get it right. This would have ultimately resulted in bumps,dents or scratches on mom and dad's car.


Reference points, precision driving, point of no return, targeting, stale green or red. Do any of these terms ring a bell with your Driver's Ed training? Nope, I never heard of them until now because they didn't exist when we took Driver's Ed. These new methods have been created to help new drivers cope with the pitfalls of driving in a faster and more hurried pace that we live in today. Driving for us now is very easy . For some new drivers, it can be a very scary and nerve wracking experience. Once your child learns these new skills, they will quickly be on their way to becoming SAFE and COURTEOUS drivers. We not only cover driving skills, but topics such as road rage, drugs & alcohol, effect of tired drivers, distractions in the car, etc.


Steven Marc Wong Sr
Matthew Wong

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