Driving Schools
Qualified Instructors
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Fast & Easy

Finding a quality driving school in your area can be a difficult and time consuming task. Our comprehensive database of driving schools helps you pick one that’s right for you.

Search by location and license class, read our user reviews, then select your school. It’s that easy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Driving-Schools.com and how does it work?

We launched Driving-Schools.com in 2020 with a singular goal: to provide the most comprehensive list of driving schools in the United States. Driving-Schools.com isn't just a website, it's a platform that helps literally anyone that fits their specific needs. We also help driving schools showcase themselves and present their offers in the best possible way.

How complete is your list of U.S. driving schools?

We're confident that our list of the 10,000+ known driving schools in the United States is the most complete resource available. Our staff also continuously works to update the list as schools open, close, or change ownership.

If we've missed a school, let us know and we'll add it to the list. If you are a school owner, then you can register your school for free.

How to register own school?

It's fast and easy. Just click the "Register School" button that's on the top left of every page. You can then either claim and update an existing listing, or you can add a new school to the database.

When entering details about your school, more is better. Providing information about its instructors and available packages will help you appear higher in our search listings. Basically, a more complete listing leads to higher visibility, which means more students for your school.

Do driving school owners have to pay to register their school?

No, it is 100% free to list your school on Driving-Schools.com. List as much detail as you want, there will never be any extra cost and it will help drive students to your school.

Do I have to pay a fee to find a driving school?

No! Searching for schools is always free. There are no hidden fees or memberships or anything like that. We created Driving-Schools.com to be a free service that helps people , so they can get on the road as quickly and safely as possible.

How can I contact Driving-Schools.com?

Want to learn more about the benefits of partnering with us? Or have a general question or suggestion? Simply click on our Support Link and we'll get back to you right away.

How do I leave a review for a driving school?

We'd love to hear about your driving school experiences. To leave a review for one, simply search for the driving school on the home page. Click on the associated listing and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the review section.

Please be as descriptive as possible about your experience with the school, including its packages and instructors. You'll be helping future drivers by giving them a first-hand insight on what to expect from a particular school.

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